
Elemental Faerie: Salamander

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Literature Text

Species: Salamander

Body type: Beast

Gender form: Neutral

Environment: Inferno

Element: Fire

Description: A salamander with a red coloration with yellow flame like horizontal stripes; it may also have a yellow coloration with red flame like horizontal stripes.

Personality wise they are docile.

Combat: Used primarily as defensive cannons as they are slow moving except on burning space. On burning surfaces they can teleport to any connected burning surface. This results in them often being used defensively from within the safety of the burning spaces.

four starting moves:

1: Fire Aura: will burn anything in contact with it except its summoner.

2: Fire Bite: adds fire damage to its bite, however as it has no teeth this is crushing damage plus fire damage.

3: Embers: Spits out a short range stream of embers, useful for igniting the area in front of it.

4: Fire Consumption Healing: It can regain HP by consuming flames, however this also puts out the fires it consumes.

-It is common to teach them ranged fire based attacks and fire manipulation abilities to used them as defensive cannons.

-Weapon/Armor Transformation:

They can possess any weapon or armor, very useful, giving the items their coloration and a fire aura adding fire damage to anyone other than the summoner in contact with them.

-Aura Guardian:

In Aura Guardian mode the summoner becomes immune to flames; useful for exploring fiery areas and escaping fire based opponents.


The summoner gains the eyes and skin coloration of the salamander, as well as an odd lisp. They also gain immunity to flames; however unlike Aura Guardian they also become weak against water, ice, cold, and earth based attacks. This is in exchange for also having the special abilities.

They gain 4 special abilities limited by the summoner's mana.

1: Fire Aura: can use the same burning fire aura of the salamander.

2: Summon Fire Slime: summons the Mystic Monster Fire Slime.

3: Salamandra Strike: Summons an attack resembling but isn't an Elemental Spirit, a spinning flame that turns into the likeness of a winged serpent and strikes from above.

4: Phoenix: summons an attack resembling but isn't an Elemental Spirit, a flame in the shape of an eagle that can attack an opponent repeatedly, but at a loss to its self (but can be healed by dipping into an absorbing existing flame...but not made any stronger than its base form).

-Combo Initiation:

When partnered with any Fire type Elemental Faerie it can do this odd speed run around them creating a fire cyclone that boosts the strength of both of their fire based attacks and abilities.
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